According to Road Traffic Act 2008, Section 27 the term “extraordinary license” means a person who is disqualified from holding or obtaining a driver’s license may apply in the court for an order directing the CEO to grant to the person an extraordinary license. An extraordinary license cannot authorize a person to drive at any time while the person is disqualified from holding or obtaining a driver’s license as a result of demerit point suspension or a suspension order under the Fines, Penalties and Infringement Notices Enforcement Act 1994.
An extraordinary driver’s license (EDL) permits you to drive legally even when you might have been disqualified for a traffic offence such as drink driving. Our extraordinary license lawyers understand the importance of a driver’s license, so they try hard to help you get back your EDL. Our lawyers can assist you with the complete process of acquiring an EDL. Normally, we do a complete evaluation of the situation to make sure that you are eligible, then if everything looks fine, then we can make the application for you and also represent you at your court proceedings.
If your application is refused
We can help you with the application process but if the court refuses your application, you will not be able to apply again for next 6 months and your application fee will not be refunded.
Need of another practical driving test
If you are under cancellation and are permitted to apply for an EDL, where your application is successful, the court may give an order to you to re-sit for a driving test prior to drive under the EDL. If the court gives such an order then the Department of Transport will not issue an EDL till you successfully complete your driving test.
Get in Touch
Traffic lawyers Perth are always ready to help you with your legal issues. To contact us, you can give us a call on the given number or send us an email on the given email address. Feel free to get in touch with us and get appropriate consultation from our expert solicitors.
Traffic Lawyers Perth WA are number one! Absolutely the 5 Star team that you need when looking for a great Traffic lawyer in Perth. Thanks for helping me out.
Very grateful for using traffic lawyers perth wa ! Saved my licence from being suspended again.Highly recommended traffic lawyer in perth .