If you violate a traffic law in Australia, they come with a price tag called demerit points. They act as a deterrent for bad driving behaviour. If you accumulate too many of these, your license can be suspended. However, an important question arises: what happens to these points after a while? Do they vanish into thin air, granting you a clean slate?
The answer is that these things are more nuanced than they appear to be. In this blog, we will elaborate on the concept of demerit points. We will also tell you how to check demerit points in WA. So, let’s continue reading to know more about these.
The Demerit Points Check scheme is administered by the NSW Roads and Maritime Services. All the drivers and riders start with zero points. If they continue to drive safely and do not break any laws, they can still be on the same level. However, the demerit points can be added to their record if they commit a traffic offence.
Such points can be accumulated while driving anywhere in the country. If you reach the limit of these points, then your driving license can be suspended. If you have accumulated some demerit points, you must contact experienced traffic lawyers in Perth.
These points mostly remain on your driving record. Such points can be added to a record when a fine payment is made, or NSW enforces an unpaid fine. Apart from this, it can also accumulate when the court issues a conviction for the offence.
According to the Australian Capital Territory, the demerit points can be deleted 3 years after the date of the offence. For example, if you have acquired three demerit points for a speeding offence, those will be deleted after three years of the date of your refusal notice.
Sometimes, the RMS may exercise a discretionary period of an extra four months to allow payment of fines and appeal to the court.
As a driver, zero demerit point is what you start with. In case you commit an offence, these points will be added to your driving record. The points will be active for 40 months from the date of the offence. However, they will remain on your record forever.
To check demerit points in Perth, you need a MyServiceNSW account. After logging into this account, you must provide your NSW driver’s license and vehicle number plate details. Then, you must accept the terms and conditions provided on the website.
After filling out this process, you can select the check online button. Under the demerit point offence section, you can review your points. This will include how many points you have accumulated from the offence and the type of the offence. It will also consist of the date of the offence.
If you fulfil a PN expiration notice on time, the demerit points will automatically be applied to your licence. If you choose to be prosecuted by the court, you can apply to the judge to reduce the demerit points. The judicial body will determine whether there are justifiable grounds for doing so.
In such situations, traffic lawyers Perth can help you by providing an application to reduce the demerit points. However, the points must relate to the offence itself. If you are facing personal hurdles due to the imposition of these points, the magistrate will not consider it a relevant application.
If you constantly exceed the limit, then increased penalties will be applied to you. However, if you exceed the limit twice within five years, then you will not be able to drive unless:
We have already discussed how to regain the demerit points and associated factors to keep in mind. If you are convicted of traffic charges that have led to the accumulation of demerit points, it is advisable to contact a traffic offence lawyer in Perth. As these professionals say, earlier and practical advice and solid legal representation will help you overcome this difficulty. The experts will explain the steps you can take regarding the penalties and will also see whether you are eligible for special licences.
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Very grateful for using traffic lawyers perth wa ! Saved my licence from being suspended again.Highly recommended traffic lawyer in perth .